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Run your 8-bit Atari from your ST

Linkline Laptops For Seniors

LinkLine, which we are introducing this month, lets you control an 8-bit Atari from your ST keyboard, using the RS-232 communications standard to transfer files back and forth at 4800 baud. Connect a null modem cable between the ST and the 8-bit Atari, then run 8-bit BASIC LinkLine and ST LinkLine (a C program) on the respective computers.

by PATRICK BASS, Linkline laptops for seniorsAntic ST Program Editor

Your eyes dart back and forth. A cold sweat breaks out on your forehead.You lean over the Atari ST and run your hand over the cool plastic. Thedesire is very strong this time. Dazed you stumble out of the store andclutch at the cornice, waiting for your head to clear.

You almost bought the ST that time. But you've made up you mind thatas long as your trusty 8-bit Atari keeps running you aren't going to tradeup.

You don't need to stuff your 8-bit Atari in the closet when you getan ST. This month I'm going to show you the simplest way yet to cable thetwo computers together and transfer files back and forth. You'll even learnhow to use your 8-bit Atari as the ST's intelligent printer buffer.

Since January, 1986 we've included an ST HELP file on the Antic MonthlyDisk describing how to swap files between the two types of Atari computers.But the earlier method is much more cumbersome. Download Auerswald Network & Wireless Cards drivers. It requires simultaneoususe of two different modem programs while the user must constantly checkback and forth between computers. So starting next month, the Antic MonthlyDisk side 2 ST HELP file will explain how to transfer files by using LinkLine.

LinkLine, which we are introducing this month, lets you control an8-bit Atari from your ST keyboard, using the RS-232 communications standardto transfer files back and forth at 4800 baud. Connect a null modem cablebetween the ST and the 8-bit Atari, then run 8-bit BASIC LinkLine and STLinkLine (a C program) on the respective computers.

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For simplicity, the ST is the master computer and the 8-bit Atari isthe slave. The slave computer waits for a command from the master computer,then decodes and acts upon that command.

Both versions of LinkLine currently recognize two commands-LOAD andSAVE. You can LOAD a file from any properly installed 8-bit Atari device,such as D: or C:, and SAVE an ST file to any 8-bit Atari device, such asD: or P:. For example, sitting at the ST, you could LOAD an 8-bit Atarifile onto the 3.5-inch ST disk, or SAVE an ST file onto the 8-bit's 5.25-inchdisk.

When you SAVE an ST file to the 8-bit Atari P: device, the 8-bit Ataribecomes a printer buffer that accepts the ST file and patiently passesit to the printer, character-by-character, while the ST goes on about itsbusiness.

Although you can LOAD an 8-bit Atari program into your ST, it won'tRUN. LinkLine is not an 8-bit Atari emulator.

As written, LinkLine does no error-checking on the incoming data. WhileI was developing this software I saw a need for some simple error-checking,such as generating a checksum for each block. So far, practical experencewith the program has shown that none seems to be needed. Still, prudencedemands at least minimal error-checks, so go ahead and add one if you like.

LinkLine's file-sending protocol is loosely based upon the original8-bit Atari DOS file format protocol chosen by Optimized Systems Software.The LinkLine file protocol goes as follows: Byte zero is the ASCII STX(Start Text) character. Bytes one and two describe in LO, HI format thenumber of bytes that will follow in byte three through byte X. Byte X +1 is currently the ASCII ETX (End Text) character. This format allows transfersup to the limit of memory available. However, to keep the program simpler,LinkLine was written to work with files only as large as 33K, or about270 sectors of a floppy disk.

If you need to transfer files which are larger than 33K, it is possibleto rewrite the LOAD and SAVE routines to check the last character in eachblock transmitted. If the character is indeed an ASCII ETX the file transferis finished. If not, you could expect another LO, HI pair of bytes describingthe length of the next block of data. At the end of that block would beanother check for the ETX character, etc. Files of practically limitlesslength could be sent this way.

The 'line' in LinkLine is a cable called a null modem. In the past,when Computer A needed to talk to Computer B-even in the same room-someonewould have connect Computer A to a modem, connect Computer B to a modem,then have Computer A call computer B on the telephone. Then some brightinventor figured out that it was possible to plug computer A directly intocomputer B by using the modem ports and programming each of the computersinto thinking it was the modem for the other. Since no modem is actuallyhooked up, the connection is called a null modem.

In our case, the modem port on the ST is next to the printer port anduses the RS-232 standard for communication. The modem port for Atari 8-bitcomputers is on the Atari 850 Interface Module (see the August, 1985 Anticfor a list of dealers who carry the 850) and is known as device R1:. Thisport also uses the RS-232 standard for communication.

To build the null modem cable, you will need three inexpensive itemsthat should easily be found in any large electronics store. For the STconnection, you need a DB25 female jack such as Radio Shack #276-1548 ($3.99).For connecting to the Atari 850 Interface, you need aDB9 male plug likethe Radio Shack #276-1537 ($1.99). Finally, you'll need enough multi-connectorwire to reach both the 8-bit and the ST. Radio Shack #278-1320 does thejob for 10 cents per foot. You can separate the computers by up to 100feet without undue problems.

Figure 1 shows the wiring diagram and a table of pin-to-pin connections.While this project falls towards the low end of the complexity scale, ifyou don't know which end of a soldering iron to pick up, get help fromsomeone more knowledgeable or bring these instructions to your local electronicsrepair center and pay them to build the cable.

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Type LINKLINE.C into your Atari ST and save a copy to disk. LINKLINE.Cis the ST master program written in Alcyon C (from the Atari ST Developer'sKit). Compile, assemble and link this C language code to apstart,with aesbind, vdibind, osbind and libf traillngalong behind. Relmod the resulting file into a .prg file and saveit to disk.

For the Atari 8-bit, you don't need to type in Listings 2 and 3. Theyare assembly language source code provided for your information. Instead,type in BASIC Listing 4, LINKLINE.BAS, check it with TYPO II and SAVE acopy before you RUN it. This creates an executable disk file called AUTORUN.SYS.

Antic Disk subscribers should first copy AUTORUN.SYS to another 8-bitdisk. Then, following the directions on the monthly disk (one last time),port LINKLINE.PRG to an ST disk.

To start transferring files, plug in the LinkLine cable and turn onthe Atari 8-bit computer. The program will start within seconds, a whitescreen with dark letters and a READY prompt appear, showing it's readyto receive a command. if you get a long stream of 'heart' characters, turnoff your 850 interface and then turn it on again.

Over at the ST, make sure you boot With a disk that has the 'Set RS-232Configuration' desk accessory Activate it, and set the RS-232 parametersin the box exactly as listed below:

Baud Rate: 4800
Parity: None
Duplex: Half
Bits/Char: 8
Strip Bit: Off
Xon/Xoff: Off
Rts/Cts: Off

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Finished? Click on OK and return to the desktop, then double-click onthe LINKLINE.PRG icon and follow the prompts. First comes a welcome box,then a box asking whether you want to LOAD or SAVE a file.

If you want to LOAD an 8-bit file, type the desired filename in thefile selector box that follows. When you click on OK, the requested filewill be loaded from the 8-bit and saved on the ST disk using the same filenameas the 8-bit file.

If you want to SAVE a file, first choose the ST file to transfer fromthe file selector box and click OK. Next, choose the device and filenameto send to the Atari 8-bit computer from the next file selector box. Whenyou click OK this time, the file is transferred to the 8-bit computer.

In either case, when the transfer is finished you are asked if you wantto SAVE/LOAD another file. If you don't select another SAVE or LOAD, thenclick out through the thank-you box at the end of the program.

Any C program must have a main() section and this one describeswhat the program does: initialize();, then communicate();,and when finished finally becomes TRUE, terminate(); theapplication. Next, communicate() decides whether you want to LOADor SAVE a file. Below that, load_file() requests a file from theAtari 8-bit, then writes the file received to the ST disk.

The function below that, save_file(), reads a file from the STdisk and transmits it to the Atari 8-bit disk. The function send_file()is called from save_file(), and stuffs the text in text_bufferout the RS-232 port character-by-character. Next, read_the_file()reads a file from the ST disk into text_buffer and write_the_file()writes text_buffer back to the ST disk.

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The next function load_8bit_flle(), calls the function afterit, get_file(). This pair sends the LOAD command to the 8-bit computersand receives the file from it. Next to last send_command() formatsand sends the LOAD or SAVE command and filename to the Atari 8-bit. Lastly,terminate() returns us to the desktop.

Again, you don't need need to type in assembly language Listings2 and 3, described below. You can get the same results by following theprevious instructions for typing in Listing 4.

Listing 2 is LINKLINE.M65, the slave program written in 6502 assemblylanguage as implemented by MAC/65 (from Optimized Systems Software). Atthe top, following the program's title and revision date. we .includetwo files from the MAC/65 system disk. These files contain the System Equatesand OSS macros such as OPEN and CLOSE that operate exactly like their BASICcounterparts. Further down we .include the main file LINKA.M65 andthen create an autorun file by pointing the program counter to the autorunvector (* = $02E0) and stating the autorun address (.WORD STARTCODE).

Listing 3, LINKA.M65, is the main section of code called from the firstfile, LINKLINE.M65. First we define three Macros of our own, BUMP, DBUMPand LDW. BUMP will perform signed two-byte addition. DBUMP performs signedtwo-byte subtraction, and LDW will LOAD the LO, HI bytes that make up anaddress (from a label) into two consecutive memory locations, forming apointer.

Lines 530 through 810 contain local definitions and equates, with theprogram itself starting at line 860. The entire work loop is containedbetween lines 1280 and 1470. There we OPEN channel TV to the E: editordevice which also clears the screen, changes the background and bordercolors to white (color 0, luminance 8), and sets the letter luminance todark (color 0, luminance 2). Quickly we BPUT the title message to the TVchannel we opened to the screen at line 1350.

Line 1370 is an XIO command which sets the level of character translationthe R1: handler performs. This translation is explained fully in your 850Interface manual. Here we set the translation level OFF by using a valueof 32. Line 1380 is an XIO command which sets the BAUD rate for communication.Here, the value BAUD(13) is used to set the communication rate at 4800baud. Falling into the MAIN routine, we BPUT the READY prompt to the TVscreen, then go wait for a command. When one is received, we fall downto line 1440, where we BPUT the 'working' message to the screen and gooff to decode the command.

When the command has finished, we jump back up to the start of the MAINloop to wait for another command.

OPENFILE is a subroutine which will OPEN a 5.25-inch disk file (to readfrom) named in the buffer FILENAME. Below that, WRITEFILE is a subroutinewhich will create and write the file in TEXTBUFFER to the 5.25-inch disk.

SENDANSWER is the subroutine which will transmit TEXTBUFFER out to theRS-232 port. GETCOMMAND is where the Atari 8-bit sits waiting for the STto send it a command. It accepts characters from the RS-232 port untila CR is received. Control then passes below to DECODE, where the commandline is scanned for an S or an L, meaning SAVE or LOAD. If one is found,the following letters constitute the filename, and control is passed toeither SAVE or LOAD.

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How far can you take LinkLine? Being as expandable as it is, probablyvery far. I expect to see many utilities designed to be used with LinkLine.The person needed to accomplish this is you. And then write to Antic andtell us how you did it.

As just one example of the possibilities, it would be nice to be ableto display the 8-bit Atari disk directory on the ST screen. (How aboutclicking on an Atari 8-bit Icon?) Go to it!

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Listing 1: LINKLINE.C (not available)
Listing 2: LINKLINE.M65 (not available)
Listing 3: LINKA.M65 (not available)
Listing 4: LINKLINE.BAS (not available)
On disk LINKLINE.PRG Download
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